Wishmere Wiki

Pandy is one of the protagonists of Wishmere. She loves to start trouble and leave just as her victims realize it.

She is vampire ninja in possession of a cursed demonic sword. She is the only character in the game that is aware that she and her friends are in a video game.

The Acidic Shadow
Birthdate February 3
Birthplace Hazelroad, Dagton
Bloodtype AB
Species Vampire
Height 5ft 5
Weight 58kg
Eye color Green
Hair color Black with platinum blonde highlights
Fighting Style Pandy's own made up fictional martial art she calls: Pandy-Fu
Likes All things pro wrestling (she has a huge memorabilia collection), her samurai sword collection
Dislikes School (she gets bored easily), licorice
Rival none
Special Talent Claims to be able to hold her breath for 4 minutes, breaking the fourth wall
Relatives older brother (mentioned)

Biography[ | ]

Pandy loves mayhem: causing trouble, ribbing people and making quips. She has endless knowledge about pop culture, especially pro wrestling and anime. Growing up, she watched everything she could come across on television and found the different flavors of TV to be a delight. Over the years, she began to collect Japanese katanas. Around school, due to her sarcastic humor and her broad 'education', she is a friend to all walks of life.

After being saved by King Elreed and offered to become the God of Dreams' royal guard, Pandy accepts. She knew the risks and knew that the world was in danger, proving that under that flippant exterior is a heart of a caring and gentle person... kind of.

Pandy has a lot of friends online and also in real life. She does not talk about her family often.

Gameplay Overview[ | ]

Pandy is the fastest and most mobile character in the game. With great movement speed (walking, running and jumping) and the only character who can double jump out of an airdash, Pandy leaves all other characters in the dust. She can open up an opponent's defense with her Edge instant teleport and her Hex (neutral + AB), leading to a game of cat-and-mouse. Most of her Abilities have some form of movement, ensuring she isn't in the same place at all times. However, Pandy has extremely weak health and unconventional (but damaging) offense, making execution and timing with her integral.

Character Vitals[ | ]

Attribute Value
Health: 800
Guard Gauge: 30
Fate Fill Time: 20 seconds
Fate Fill Time (after Fate Break): 40 seconds
Fate Cooldown: 7 seconds

Edge: Reemergence[ | ]

Reemergence makes Pandy disappear instantly and reappear at another location on the screen. Pressing the following directions takes Pandy to these locations on screen:-

  • neutral + Input b-edge: same location (fake out)
  • Input d-left + Input b-edge: leftmost of the screen, ground
  • Input d-downleft + Input b-edge: left of the screen, ground
  • Input d-down + Input b-edge: center of the screen, ground
  • Input d-downright + Input b-edge: right of the screen, ground
  • Input d-right + Input b-edge: rightmost of the screen, ground
  • Input d-upright + Input b-edge: right of the screen, air
  • Input d-up + Input b-edge: center of the screen, air
  • Input d-upleft + Input b-edge: left of the screen, air

Reemergence allows for Pandy to escape and confuse opponents instantly. Unlike the other characters, Pandy's Edge charge is not gauge based, but timer based with up to 3 charges, allowing her to do more than 1 Edge in a burst. Pandy's Reemergence is the only Edge in the game that starts at max at the beginning of a match.

Attribute Value
1st Charge Time: 15 seconds
2nd Charge Time: 20 seconds
3rd Charge Time: 35 seconds

Pros:[ | ]

  • Her speed and her Edge allow her to play both a hit-and-run character and a rushdown character
  • Can open up opponents with her confusing and sudden moveset, especially with her Hex (neutral AB), which makes her next attack unblockable
  • Fastest character in the game; unmatched speed in movement and attack movement
  • Her running moveset is full of evasion and mixups, potentially leading to confusing the opponent

Cons:[ | ]

  • Lowest health in the game
  • Without resources, possesses somewhat weak combo damage
  • Lacks a decent and damaging anti-air and Guard Eater
  • A little slow on recovery on block
  • High execution for both her combos and using her moveset to its fullest potential

Throws[ | ]

Name Command Damage Chip Startup On hit On block Notes (terminology)
Shadow Whip Input b-light + Input b-hard 120 3 Notes Throw;

Notes Launch;

Notes Proration forced 85%;

can hold Input d-left or Input d-right after execution to switch sides;

Back Stab during jump, Input b-light + Input b-hard 100 3 Notes Throw;

Notes Wallsplat;

Notes Proration forced 90%;

can hold Input d-left or Input d-right after execution to switch sides;

Edge Moves[ | ]

Name Command Damage Chip Starutp On hit On block Notes (terminology)
Reemergence any direction + Input b-edge teleports to a specific placement on the screen;

Light Moves[ | ]

Name Command Damage Chip Startup On hit On block Notes (terminology)
Kunai Stab Input b-light 11 0.2 4 +1 -1 Notes Comboable;

Notes Proration start 80%;

Lunging Knee Input d-right + Input b-light 25 0.4 13 -1 -2 Notes Comboable;

Notes Proration start 90%;

Elbow Chop Input d-up + Input b-light 50 [25x2] 0.4 9 0 -8 Notes Comboable;

Notes Chainmove;

Notes Proration forced 90%;

Murky Heart Input d-down + Input b-light 30 0.3 7 -1 -6 Notes Comboable;

Notes Proration forced 90%;

Tombstone Splitter during run, Input b-light 55 0.3 7 0 -1 Notes Comboable;

Notes Invincibility most high attacks ;

Airborne Poke during jump, Input b-light 30 0.2 6 Notes Comboable;

Notes Proration forced 90%;

Ground Slither during jump, Input d-up + Input b-light 50 0.4 7 Notes Comboable;

Notes Chainmove;

Notes Proration self 90%;

Killing Mist during jump, Input d-down + Input b-light 34 0.2 5

Hard Moves[ | ]

Name Command Damage Chip Startup On hit On block Notes (terminology)
Turning Moon Input b-hard 92 [46x2] 0.6 9 -1 -4 Notes Comboable only first hit;
Raven's Flight Input d-right + Input b-hard 60 0.5 12 -13 Notes Knockdown;

Notes Proration forced90%;

Setting Sun Input d-up + Input b-hard 90 0.4 9 -27~ Notes Antiair;

Notes Knockdown;

Heart Stopper Input d-down + Input b-hard 70 0.4 16 +10 -2
Slipping Shadow during run, Input b-hard 110 0.6 9 +2 -7
Aerial Moon during jump, Input b-hard 90 0.5 11 Notes Comboable;

Notes Proration forced80%;

Shrieking Wind during jump, Input d-down + Input b-hard 75 0.4 12 Notes Comboable;

Ability Moves[ | ]

Name Command Damage Chip Startup On hit On block Notes (terminology)
Hex Input b-ability 45 [startup], 100 [active] Notes Unblockable;

opponents touched by the Hex will be unable to block for 1 hit; being hit by or hitting Pandy will disable the Hex;

the Hex can also expire over time;

Red Circle of the Bane Input d-right + Input b-ability 54 [18x3] 0.8 12 -1 -1 Notes Projectile;

Notes Supercancellable;

Fair Sever Input d-up + Input b-ability 85 0.7 17 -18 Notes Supercancellable;

Notes Launch;

Notes Proration forced90%;

Creed of Hunger Input d-down + Input b-ability 40 0.2 13 0 -1 Notes Supercancellable;
Creed of Damnation ...Input d-down + Input b-ability 100 5.8 15 -13 Notes Guardeater;

Notes Knockdown;

Savage Leap during run, Input b-ability 90 0.7 20 -12 Notes Launch;
Sudden Slash during jump, Input b-ability 82 0.5 30 -11 Notes Knockdown;

Notes Invincibility;

Murderous Shadow during jump, Input d-up + Input b-ability 100 [40,60] 0.7 5 -34~ Notes Supercancellable;

Notes Launch;

Notes Proration forced90%;

Chilling Splatter during jump, Input d-down + Input b-ability 90 0.4 9 +15 -13~ Notes Supercancellable;

Notes Proration forced90%;

Super Moves[ | ]

Name Command Damage Chip Startup On hit On block Notes (terminology)
Dance of Ashes during jump, Input b-hard + Input b-ability 168 1 6 -30~ Notes Knockdown;

Notes Proration forced90%;

-1 stock;

Feast and Penalty Input d-up or Input d-down + Input b-hard + Input b-ability 378 13 Notes Throw;

Notes Knockdown;

Notes Proration self 80%;

-3 stocks;

Trivia[ | ]

  • Pandy loves to watch pro-wrestling and anime. Her favorite wrestler is Crimson Magostar, a masked luchador.
  • Pandy has a secret collection of samurai swords. She owns over 12 different swords.
  • Pandy has a legendary fried spicy chicken wings recipe. To get out of trouble, at times, she bribes her friends with a bucket of wings.