Wishmere Wiki

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The comprehensive Wishmere Wiki reference;
written and maintained by the players.


Wishmere is a beat 'em up action game created by Crayder Studios . When Doubt's forces have overrun the world, the King of Dreams, Elreed intervenes and saves a group of teenagers. Once imbued with Supercharged Hope, the teenagers become the Wishmere: a group selected by King Elreed, every generation, to combat Doubt.

Wishmere is currently in development and is available for purchase at the Wishmere site , Steam Early Access, Humble Store or itch.io. Currently, Wishmere is in the Ongoing Beta stage of development, where we will be updating the game on a weekly basis along with all the changes documented in a Change Log. Do feel free to post a question or join in the discussion in our Forum or on our Steam Forum.

If you wish to try our the free demo, check out the Wishmere Demo. Please do be aware that the free demo does not include our weekly updates and our Ongoing Beta development of Wishmere.


Wishmere Screenshot 5 FireBall


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