Wishmere Wiki

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The comprehensive Wishmere Wiki reference;
written and maintained by the players.


Wishmere is a beat 'em up action game created by Crayder Studios . When Doubt's forces have overrun the world, the King of Dreams, Elreed intervenes and saves a group of teenagers. Once imbued with Supercharged Hope, the teenagers become the Wishmere: a group selected by King Elreed, every generation, to combat Doubt.

Wishmere is currently in development and is available for purchase at the Wishmere site , Steam Early Access, Humble Store or itch.io. Currently, Wishmere is in the Ongoing Beta stage of development, where we will be updating the game on a weekly basis along with all the changes documented in a Change Log. Do feel free to post a question or join in the discussion in our Forum or on our Steam Forum.


Wishmere Screenshot 5 FireBall


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